Monday, August 21, 2006

You know, one of the very first advice given to a new lovebird owner is to not feed your lovebird avocado and chocolate because a taste of either one will send the birdie to the other side of the rainbow. I have to say this list is not complete unless okra is added to it. OK OK, okra will not kill me like avocado and chocolate will, but it tastes so bad, it might as well be just as bad. No matter how nutitious Mr. P & Mrs. P say okra is (got lots of fiber, vitamin B6, and folic acid yada yada), I don't care and I don't want it. Like I care for folic acid, it's not like I'm gonna reproduce anytime soon with Mr. P's method of birdy birth control. Will someone tell Mr. P that dawg says no to okra and yes to broccoli (all types of broccoli - chinese broccoli, what have you) and yes to spinach. SLIMEY OKRA YUCK YUCK YUCK, alritey, gotta go and drink some birdie water to get rid of the okra after taste. Ciao!

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