Well hello Pon! Hey looky here everyone, Mr. P got Mrs. P a Pon for their 3 month aniversary! But what is it anyways? Is a dog? Is a cat? Oh hey, I think it looks like me, see? I think it's a birdy! Oh hey Pon, look at me run! Hmm...it's not alive..it didn't chase after me! :( Thought I got a new friend!
If you want a friend, I can bring my cat over. He is not stuffed (a little portly, but he's a real cat). However, I would recommend you stay in your cage and not dance about in front of him.
I don't think he would eat you, but once, he got ahold of a mouse and trapped the poor thing in his mouth for a while. It lived, but was soggy.
Dawg... I think that is a stuffed cat.
If you want a friend, I can bring my cat over. He is not stuffed (a little portly, but he's a real cat). However, I would recommend you stay in your cage and not dance about in front of him.
I don't think he would eat you, but once, he got ahold of a mouse and trapped the poor thing in his mouth for a while. It lived, but was soggy.
I can see it how, Pon is gonna get his/her own blog.....
Cat? Cats are not green! Mr. G, is your cat green? It's stuffed that's for sure. I think it's stuffed bird!
Cats can be whatever color you spray-paint them.
So can birds.
Now where did I put that can of birdy-paint....
I've never seen a black lovebird before, maybe we can make one.
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