Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Who do I love more? Mr. P or Mrs P? As an impartial birdie, I love Mrs. P more..hahahahaha..yes yes, I know what impartial means. OK fine, I'm a partial bird. I'm a smart bird after all. It's just that impartial sounds better. Anyhow, I love Mrs. P more because she really loves me, uh, I mean us birdies. She gives us filtered water and cuts us vegetables. Mr. P? He doesn't even cut fruit for himself. He just looks at it ..the other birdies think that Mr. P doesn' t know how to use a knife. Well, actually, Itchy's exact words were, "I think that Mr. P's afraid of the knife. Afraid he's gonna lose a finger or something." And then Scratchy and Diddy couldn't agree more. Well, we all know why Itchy came up w/ that theory. Oh for all of those who are concerned, Itchy's toes are doing fine now and even though Itchy only has 7 of them instead of 8, Itchy is just as fast as us. OK, back to Mr. P, I think he's just lazy, he just wants Mrs. P to cut fruit and stuff for him. So, ya, that's why if you ask me, umm, I mean us, we love Mrs. P more. Mr. P's nice and all and he vacuums our feathers everyday, we like him too, just not as much as Mrs. P. Oh, and sometimes we think that he's mad...he vacuums 9 to 10 times a day! Even when he's leaving the place, he's got to vacuum around our cages before he leaves. Our feathers don't attract ants you know. And I'm sure Mr. P knows that but why does he vacuum on his way out, and for whom? For us birdies? Mr. P is quite strange. Alrightly, it's way pass my birdy bedtime! OK, gotta go brush my beak and go to sleep. Good night!


gorgbroza said...

Take a look at her blog... sounds like Mrs. P is the one who has problems using a knife. :)

Audrey said...

:( we birdies witnessed the tragedy...guess no chopped up fresh veggies and fruit for a while till Mrs. P's finger gets better. :(

gorgbroza said...

Maybe no freshly chopped veggies...

But how about some freshly chopped finger meat?

Yum yum.

j said...

yeah... Agree with gorg. Mrs. P's knife skills needs some sharpening! hahahaah (no pun intended)... ahahah. (sorry, craking myself up again!)