What is Mrs. P up to? She is walking around the house with this book about birds of Amercia? What, are we birdies not cute enough for her that she has to go on birding trips? Not only that, this book got nothing on lovebirds. Yup, that is nope, zip, nada, and may-yuo - that's mandarin for nothing folks! One time Mrs. P let me out and I sat on her shoulder while she flipped through that book. There was nothing on it about me! I'm an american am I not? I was born in El Monte. Yup, last time i checked, El Monte is in California and California is in the United States and the United States is part of North America. My type deserved to be birdy mentioned in that book! I gotta call up the National Geographic!
Doh! I am? Then why am I not in Africa? Dang, I should be in Angola? No wonder it's too birdy cold here in the winter..will someone tell Mr. P to turn on the heater when winter comes and to stop being such a cheap skate! I think Mrs. P is afraid of the cold too..last winter I see her wearing 4 layers of clothing just to stay warm while watchin TV....
OK, my ancestor is from Africa but I was born and raised in North America! There's enough of us here in North America to be mentioned in the book! Hmph!
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