Sunday, July 30, 2006

Birdy-Soccer! Birdy time is best spent playing Birdy-Soccer, umm.. according to my roommate, Diddy that is. If you ask me, I think it's rather silly, I rather just play bite Mr. & Mrs. P's fingers (gently of course). Anyhow, the rules are simple, catch the ball that Mrs. P throws to you without using your hands or wings, pass the ball to your teammate, your teammate brings it back to Mrs. P and you get a birdy treat! I guess the treats make it better. Here's some pics. OK, time to take a birdy bath...ciao.

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Boy, it is roasting hot! I think that if Mr. P doesn't take our eggs away, it would hatch even w/o us sitting on it. That's how hot it is. How do I feel in this very hot weather? Well, try wearing a jacket with down feathers or wrapping yourself in a down comforter when the temperature is 100+ . Try that and you'll know how I feel. At least the birds outside get to stay in trees and get a breeze here and there. Us pet birdies, tough luck, hardly any breeze. Will someone tell Mr. P, who loves us birdies so much, to leave the AC on in the daytime for us? Thanks! Ok, time for a birdy bath to cool down. Bye for now!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Update on eggs. Hmm...I gotta say, when it's not your egg, the need for birdy birth control method seems very logical. I sat there coolly as Mr. P took Itchy and Scratchy's egg to the kitchen and you know...did the thing. Then when it was my eggs that Mr. P was taking care of, it felt so different. I know I know...when the egg is only 1 day old, it is neither alive nor is it considered a birdy fetus yet so, it's not inhumane and yes, I know I know, the egg has no feeling. Blah blah blah. But still, it was still my egg!!!! when Mr. P stuck his hand in my side of the cage for my egg, my cranky self couldn't help it and bit him, bit him really really hard. It' know birdy nature. Will someone please tell Mr. P how very sorry I am that I bit him. (You know what they say, never bite the hand that feeds you!)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Looks like Mr. P's gonna have a hard time getting to Itchy & Scratchy's new egg! hehe... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Ok, I'm going back to sleep. I love my new bedroom! Sorry Diddy, there's only enough room for one bird. Good nite.
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Friday, July 14, 2006

Ants ants ants. Many many unwanted guests visited Mr. & Mrs. P's kitchen yesterday. Mr. P was jumping and constantly screaming, "I hate ants! I hate ants" 1 AM. What a bother, I was in a middle of a good dream. Mr. P gets real antsy whenever we get unwanted guests. Will someone tell Mr. P that if he leaves opened soda cans on the kitchen counter, ants are gonna visit. Duh!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Oh my birdy goodness! I need to tell the health conscious Mrs. P to not go to Starbucks anymore! Did you know that a cup of frappucino has more calories than McD's Big mac? According to, a 20-ounce Venti banana mocha frappucino with whip cream has 720 Calories and 11 grams of fat while a McD's big mac has 560 Calories and 11 grams of fat! I wonder how many calories a green tea latte (Mrs. P's favorite drink) has! Thank birdy goodness my favorite drink is clean water and my favorite snack is sunflower seeds. Oh, I miss them yummy sunflower seeds. Some please tell Mr. P to give us some sunflower seeds. He cut that off our diet cuz it's supposedly too fatty to give us lovebirds.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Mr. P made my neighbor's egg go boom! This morning when Mr. P came downstairs, he found a new egg on Itchy and Scratchy's side of the cage. And as usual, he tricked them and got them away from their egg and took it to the kitchen and...well cooked it, or at least the intention was to cook it....Mr. P calls this process birdy birth control, which makes sense cuz if every egg were allow to hatch since we started having eggs, which has been about a little over a year and half now, there would have been over 2 dozen birdies today. See, I understand cuz I'm a wise bird... but my neighbors they didn't and they were quite upset about what happened. But heh, they are forgetful, they'll probably forget by ...let see tomorrow. Anyhow, back to cooking the egg, Mr. P forgot about it while it was sitting on the stove, the water in the pot dried up and the egg went boom!!!! Good thing Mr. P caught it before everything goes boom! Mrs. P should really tell Mr. P that he's got a bad memory. It was birdy scary!