Update on eggs. Hmm...I gotta say, when it's not your egg, the need for birdy birth control method seems very logical. I sat there coolly as Mr. P took Itchy and Scratchy's egg to the kitchen and you know...did the thing. Then when it was my eggs that Mr. P was taking care of, it felt so different. I know I know...when the egg is only 1 day old, it is neither alive nor is it considered a birdy fetus yet so, it's not inhumane and yes, I know I know, the egg has no feeling. Blah blah blah. But still, it was still my egg!!!!...so when Mr. P stuck his hand in my side of the cage for my egg, my cranky self couldn't help it and bit him, bit him really really hard. It's..um..you know birdy nature. Will someone please tell Mr. P how very sorry I am that I bit him. (You know what they say, never bite the hand that feeds you!)